Anyway, here I am, back for a quick update. I will try to update here more often. Share pics from my life or just give you a heads up about what sort of shenanigans I've gotten myself into.
So, what have I been up to?
Well, the day job has taken up a tremendous amount of my time (as they so often do). I am nearing the end of my elevator technician apprenticeship. It has been four years of intense training, both on the job and in the classroom. Another six months and I'll be a journeyman ... if I can pass all of the tests.
In the meantime I haven't been able to write as often as I'd like. I'm trying my best to change that. Book 4 in my PERPETUAL CREATURES series is slowly but surely making its way from my twisted mind onto the computer screen. If you have been waiting on tenterhooks, I apologize. Please be patient with me. It's coming. I promise. I will do a title and cover reveal real soon.
Another big thing I've been up to is having my gallbladder removed. I don't recommend it if you can keep from it. I'm back at work and trying to get back to normal (whatever that means for a guy like me).
Also, in an effort to rebrand the PERPETUAL CREATURES series, I have changed the covers and titles of books 1-3.
Book 1, formerly HEART OF THE DEAD, is now VAMPIRE SPIRIT.
Book 2, formerly BEAUTY & POWER, is now VAMPIRE JUSTICE.

Thanks for sticking with me. I appreciate it.
Best wishes and happy reading,