Friday, September 26, 2008

And It Begins

It's done. No more procrastinating. No more obsessive rewrites. It's in the mail and I can't get it back.

I have just returned from the post office, where I have finally sent my novel (technically just a query letter, short synopsis, and the first five pages) GUARDING THE HEALER to my top choice agent.

Yeah, I know. I should send my novel to more than one agent, and I will. Sending to the one was stressful enough. I'll get to the others in a few days.

But now it begins. A whole new level of stress and agony. Days and nights where I check my inbox with OCD fervor. And I thought the stress of submitting my short stories was bad.

So, after all this time, I'm taking the plunge. I'll let you all know when I touch down.


Cate Gardner said...

Ooh, exciting times. And there's nothing wrong with waiting to hear from your number one agent first. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Jamie Eyberg said...

congrats. I look forward to that anticipation one day. Wow! Keep us updated.

Gabe said...

Thanks for the good thoughts Catherine and Jamie. I'm sure it will be 4 -6 long weeks before I hear anything, though.

Chris said...

Congrats, and good luck!

Gabe said...

Thanks Chris. I got confirmation of delivery this morning and I felt my blood pressure shoot up.

Chris said...

I've been there, my friend. You start flinching every time the phone rings. You open your mailbox like you expect to find a bomb.

Oh, and just to complicate matters, a good half of my partial requests came in my SASE -- so don't assume if you see it in there it's necessarily a rejection.

Gabe said...

I'll keep that in mind.