Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Not Looking So Good

Once again I've let my blogging duties go by the wayside.  I apologize.  I'm working on it.  Really, I am.

You will notice that the blog looks different.  This is not the final product.  I'm just tinkering right now.  And just like any renovation, things are going to look a bit messy.  But just for a bit.

So, why the change? you might ask.

Well, it all has to do with Kristen Lamb.  She has been posting great advise on how to improve your blog.  You can read the specific posts that inspired me here and here.  So, right now I'm searching for a better look and a new banner.

In the mean time, I've added quite a few links over in the Promote Your Work section.  If you are in need of a place to showcase your work, any one of the links are yours to use.  All are easy to contact, prompt to answer, and in most cases cheap or even free.

Now, for a bit of "Me News".  According to Kristen Lamb it's not good to always talk about yourself, but since I've been an absentee blogger, perhaps you won't hold it against me.

I entered Guarding the Healer into Smashwords' Summer/Winter sale.  It's free and will continue to be until the end of July.  To date 128 people have "purchased" the book.  I've been exhaustively promoting, sending free copies and interviews to whomever will listen.

What are the results?

Other than the 128 from Smashwords, I think I've sold two books.  Yeah, it's that bad.  I'm hoping that all this promoting and free giveaways will gain me some fans and a few reviews.  I know it's a marathon not a sprint.  If only I could get rid of that nagging stitch in my side.

I'm working on another novel, tentatively titled HUNTERS.  I'm only about 6,000 words in.  I'm hoping to up my daily word count (I'm only able to get about 1,000 a day) so that I can get it out before I lose steam.  I'm still wanting to release a collection of short stories as well, but unless someone wants to loan me some of the hours from their day then it's going to have to wait.

So, go check out the links and watch for the changes.


Hunter Shea said...

Just keep promoting your work as hard as you can. Here's a great link I just read about guerilla marketing, http://www.anyabast.com/2011/07/14/guerrilla-marketing/comment-page-1/#comment-13121. If something does't seem to be working, try something new. The key is to never give up. Trust me.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link Hunter, and the advice.