I would like to start out this post by giving a heart-felt thank you to all the American soldiers, past and present, on this Memorial Day. Whether it is peace or wartime, to wear the uniform means a willingness to separate yourself from friends and loved ones, and despite the agenda, to simply go where needed, and sacrifice all that we might continue to be free. Freedom is, and never will be, free. Thank you for paying the price for me.
In writing news, I have had another agent request a partial of my novel. Not a large partial, mind you, but that does mean she at least liked my query letter. Today won't be very productive as far as writing goes. I have the day off, but my wife still has to work. So, I'm spending the day chasing diaper-dwarves, and later I have to go to a birthday party. I HAVE to go because it's my party. I'm 32 today, and everyone will be upset if they can't tell me how OLD I'm getting.
I just love that part.
Happy Memorial Day.